Friday, April 17, 2009

Dance informance!

The semester is alomost over!!
We've finished our informance choreography in ballet--unfortunately, no tombe pas de bourree glissade saut de chat for me. Instead I am do partnering though, which will be really fun! The choreography is really great and its going to look so good! So far it seems that the only thing I have to practice a bit more is the balonces (sp). it something Ive never done before and I feel like I look a bit silly doing them. Other than that, I have the choreography down and I just need to practice performing it. I can't wait!
SO, to wrap up the semester, I had a great time in my three dance classes. I only have 1 ballet class left before the final, and I have 2 classes left in Modern and Jazz. I feel like i have learned SO much this semester, in all three classes. In ballet, I learned a lot about my body awareness, now to hold my muscles a certain way when I'm dancing and many building blocks and vocabulary words that will help me so much next year. I still need to work on maintaining my turn out at all times, and remembering to hold my abs in!
My favorite things I learned this semester in Ballet was learning to do ballet pirouettes correctly (I liked the combo: tombe, pas de bourree ,pirouette), as well as learning the tombe....saut de chat combination (even though I didn't get to do it), improving my flexibility, and of course, the informance choreography!

xx Natalie
I can't wait until this summer and next semester when I can learn even more!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tombe, pas de bourree, glissade, saut de chat

So, dance has been pretty awesome the past few weeks. In Ballet and Jazz, we are now to a point where we are spending nearly all of the class time rehearsing for the Dance Informance, which I LOVE. Jazz's West Side Story is going quite nicely; very fun, upbeat and exciting.
For ballet, our informance piece is to a quick latin song--quite a contrast from the traditional classical music one might be used to hearing. It is great because it combines classical moves in a way that goes well with the latin music and is very fun and exciting. Last week Amy asked me if I could do tombe, pas de bouree, glissade, saut de chat across the floor (something more advanced than the regular Ballet 1 coursework). I knew how to do each step of it, but i had never assembled them. So my job over Easter break was to practice and see if i could put it together. If not, I will be doing chaines across the floor instead (no fun!)
So I have been practicing, and I think ill be able to do it! it really fun. Heres a video, at least of the glissade and saut de chat (the beginning is a bit different):

yay! hopefully I can do this is the informance!